我们收到叙利亚寄来的包裹,打开一看,原来是一本叫“Ebdaat”的杂志,翻到里面发现有一篇记载我们New Angles作品的文章,很是高兴!问了一下Yeoh关于这个杂志的采访的由来,他说这要感谢之前和我们联系过的那位采访者叫Arch.Kala Mouammar,他来自那本杂志社。我们非常喜欢这本杂志里的字体虽然我们读不明白,但是这种类型的语言非常有视觉冲击,很图形化!

We received a mail package from Syria yesterday. When we open package, it is the “Ebdaat” magazine which featuring our “New Angles” work. We are so excited and thank you so much to Arch.Hala Mouammar for writing a good article about our work and featured in the magazine. We love the typography on the magazine even we didn’t know how to read it! It is such a good graphic form and language as well.